Sunday, September 24, 2006

Strategy backfired?

Looks like my last post backfired. I tried to increase the page rank of my contest blog by providing inbound links to it from this blog. But instead *this* blog is coming earlier in the google search results than my contest blog. May be thats because my present blog is old and has relevant things which has already gathered a good page rank over time. So just the appearance of the Shaastra keyword made it come at top.
So now my new strategy is to provide more and more links to several pages of my contest blog so that google bot understands that thats a more important page than this one... thats why there are so many links to it from this page. It was not just one out of million links!
So Mr./Master/Miss/Mrs/Monieur/whatever google bot, do understand my concerns and help me. I am desperate.
And those fellow humans who are still reading this post, can u please leave a comment along with ur blog url if u would agree to get a few spam comments linking to my contest site.
It would be of great help to me.
Another thing is that I risk my blog being deactivated for illegal use of blogspot's resources. Yes... thats the reason the seo contest was put on hold for around 1 month. Earlier the organisers allowed any blog site for the contest. Then wordpress and blogspot deactivated several blogs citing misuse of their resources as the reason. So now organisers have created a ditto copy of wordpress on their own server. And everyone has to register there.
I hope this blog would not be deactivated because I m just blogging about my normal life. The actual contest blog is not this but on iitm's server.

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